Yes, I succumbed to more GoPro purchases today. Pictured above is the Chesty. It's for mounting your GoPro on yes, you guessed it, your chest. One of the downsides to mounting the camera on a helmet is excessive amount of movement and shake every time you move your head. A chest mount will still provide a good POV shot with less jerky movement every time I need to check a rear view mirror (hopefully).

RAM Mounts make some awesome grips for your digital devices and I just got one for my Samsung Galaxy S4. They also make what looks like an awesome GoPro mount, but I've been having trouble finding one of those locally. So I'll be trying out GoPro's handlebar mount instead. It's not as solid as the RAM ball socket setup but it still seems pretty solid when tightened correctly to the handlebar. It should be great to film selfies and cutaways with for my bike movies and a few other applications.
Stay tuned for the results.