Posted by Corne Scheepers on Wednesday, May 22, 2013
I recently completed this promo for NWU Vaal Triangle Campus's Faculty of Economic Sciences and IT. It builds on work I've done previously for the NWU. I again relied heavily on my two favourite creative applications: Adobe After Effects and Avid Media Composer.
I approached this one by starting at the end - the word "proud". The Faculty’s initial project brief supplied me with a few terms and phrases used in their current marketing, such as "We are proud and preferred" and "Put yourself in our picture".
Building the word "proud" was by far the most time-consuming part of the project. The resulting composition was enormous and many layers deep and I had to build a rather complex child/parent structure to move the layers in front of a comp camera.
But I love projects like these. Always a little bit of challenge and always the need to improve on what you’ve done previously.