Match Frame Media Blog

New and completed projects, gear and other stuff I'm interested in. All the gear I review is my own. No paid reviews here.

Welcome back! It's 2016

January 4, 2016

Welcome to a new year! Yes, I'm starting early this year. Why? Because I have project deadlines to make by the end of the month...that and I'm super lazy so I'll need a running start. How lazy you may ask? So lazy I'm recycling my Twitter pics to do my first blog update. Yes, I know. That's terrible. I have no values...

So anyway, here's to a great new year with plenty of things to get excited about.

But first, a quick dip in the pool. And then maybe a snack. Or lunch even...


Have a happy holiday and a prosperous 2016

December 3, 2015

And that's it for 2015, folks.

With the last projects done and delivered Match Frame Media is closing for the December holiday season. This year was...actually hard to describe. If you speak to anyone who runs a business (and by that I mean a real business where there are real risks and where a salary at the end of the month is not guaranteed) they'll tell you that it was a hard year. Economic, social and environmental conditions in South Africa are not rosy. 

Fortunately the second half of the...

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These have been turning out nicely recently...

December 2, 2015

I've been tweaking my encoding presets for 1080p files and the results are looking good. Basically the trick is to maintain the best possible picture quality while keeping file sizes from ballooning. Of course doing the basics right also helps, like proper lighting.

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In production

December 1, 2015

Urban and social problems affect everyone, no matter where you live in South Africa.

I've just completed filming footage for a series of videos for a non-profit called Counselling@ in and around Mamelodi township and the greater Tshwane area. Counselling@ has been involved in community work and community development programmes since 2010 and is involved in the placement and training of counselors and the provision of counselling services to vulnerable and at-risk communities.

From their website...

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This is classic!

December 1, 2015

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We'll be closed 23 October to 1 November

October 17, 2015

I'll be out of office from 23 October to 1 November to take a break. Going where there's no wifi, cellphone reception or electricity.
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October was multicam month

October 17, 2015

With no less than four multicam projects, October definitely qualifies for the title "multicam month". The ability to sync up three or four camera feeds and assemble a basic cut in a live switching-type fashion has always been one of my favourite features in Media Composer. It is also a MASSIVE timesaver, allowing me to do in realtime what would have taken hours to do manually. In 8.4 multicam is still going strong, even on my rapidly aging HP Elitebook.

I'm also really thrilled with the quali...

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NWU Vaal Open Day clip

September 15, 2015

This is the second clip in the series of Open Day videos produced for NWU Vaal Marketing and Communications, also shot with my compact little Sony PXW-X70. I'm loving this little camera more and more each day!

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Mini Me's first shoot - Sony PXW-X70

July 6, 2015

This is the first project I shot with my new PXW-X70 and I plenty pleased with the results. 

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Remember this scene from the movie?

July 4, 2015

I picked this up from Twitter. Remember this scene from the movie? 
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We've been busy in May

May 22, 2015

We've been busy in May, featuring at two of the North-West University's campus open days. Above is a shoot at the NWU Vaal Triangle Campus open day in Vanderbijlpark and below is a video/interactive presentation produced for the NWU School of Music and Conservatory at the Potchefstroom Campus.

Thanks to Annette Willemse and Jaco van der Merwe for sharing these on-the-job pictures. Always a joy working with you guys!

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I shall call him...Mini Me

April 1, 2015

I've been looking for a second camera for a while now. Initially I thought about getting a DSLR but really, my NEX-FS100 is already in that league as far as interchangeable lenses are concerned. Sony's ultra compact PXW-X70 fitted both the budget and the space available in my last empty Pelican 1500 case. What I wanted was something compact and cheap that I didn't mind throwing around in situations where I wanted to spare my pimped-out NEX-FS100. An old school zoom rocker would be nice and s...

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