Match Frame Media Blog

New and completed projects, gear and other stuff I'm interested in. All the gear I review is my own. No paid reviews here.

LEGO Six Bricks

July 11, 2016
I was pleasantly surprised last night to learn that the LEGO Foundation in Denmark is distributing the link to an Optentia video we produced a while ago:

Yes, this was indeed as much fun to produce as it looks!

Visit for more videos and stop by the LEGO Foundation at 

Give it a Squeeze. A REALLY quick one!

July 11, 2016

I've been using Sorenson Squeeze for as long as I've been cutting video on Avid editors. I still remember a reseller telling me a few years ago that "Squeeze doesn't work well with Avid" and I still shake my head at that. Simply because Squeeze was born to be used with Avid and the latest version just proves that again.

As with all things connected to the Rand/USD rate of exchange Squeeze has become vulgarly expensive so forking out the cash for a new Version 11 licence a few days ago was not ...

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World Federation of International Music Competitions

June 30, 2016

I'm thrilled to be able to say that I've just completed my first project for an international client. The World Federation of International Music Competitions required a video promo for its 60th General Assembly held in Yerevan, Armenia.

Founded in 1957, the WFIMC is the premiere governing body of the world’s music competitions. Based in Geneva, Switzerland, the Federation is a network and advocacy organization that represents the interests of 115 of the world’s leading music competitions....

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Media Composer 8.5 - first look (for me)

June 30, 2016

I've been cutting video on Avid software for much longer than ten years now. Probably closer to fourteen years...I started out on an Avid Xpress Meridien system that ran on a huge IBM Intellistation that weighed as much as the equipment desk it was anchored on!

Things have come a very long way since then. Light years, in fact. I can now do more on a laptop in my living room that I could on my old Intellistation with its Betacam SP decks.

Having renewed my annual Avid maintenance in May I only ...

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It has finally arrived!

June 30, 2016

Finally! After a delay of two years to first get the cash together and then a further EIGHT months delay compliments of an administrative mess at HP South Africa (you seriously dropped the ball on this one guys), my editing dream machine has finally arrived. Spec'ed out and custom built for me by a man with a fancy Italian name. 

I love this machine. Built on a 17" Zbook G3 chassis I had it jam-packed with as much memory and onboard storage as the motherboard would allow. I've been fortunate t...

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Last video in community project series now live on YouTube

June 9, 2016

Today sees the last video in a ten-part series on NWU community engagement go live on YouTube. This concludes a very ambitious project that started small in February with a single promo and has now evolved into a full campaign that will combine print and online media. Actually I wish we could have done a few more of these community projects as I believe this is the type of stuff that need to be in the headlines instead of all the political garbage and negativity that has been going around (Co...

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MFM closing for a break in May

April 27, 2016

Can you believe it's already May (nearly)? Time does fly and so did production time and tempers the past few goodness we do live in turbulent and uncertain times, don't we? Yes, I'm rubbing it in. Sorry, couldn't resist...

Anyhow, Match Frame Media will be closed for a break from 7 May to 18 May. Although there are a record number of projects running, this break will not influence delivery times. My own sanity however could potentially influence delivery so please be patient while I...

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This one turned out nicely...

April 27, 2016

Dare I say best in series so far? More to come. Subscribe to NWUtv on YouTube
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First video in series now live on NWUtv

April 6, 2016

Let me be honest - I haven't been this excited about a project in ages. Which is probably why I'm now blogging about it for the THIRD time... 

The past few weeks were at times hectic and brutal, but we're finally launching the first in a series of ten videos on community engagement projects on the NWU's official YouTube channel NWUtv and wrapping up filming on the last episode towards the end of April.

I really enjoyed filming in Mafikeng and the staff at NWU Mafikeng went to a lot of trouble t...

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Behind the scenes: filming interviews for Optentia

March 20, 2016

I'm in the fortunate position nowadays to be able to say that there are things about my job that I REALLY enjoy and look forward to for the phone to ring to do again. And recording interviews with Optentia subject experts has become one of them. Optentia's international collaborators and academic partners are all recognized experts in their fields and we've developed a short interview format to get their views on various topics in a compact and easy to watch format.

I'm really enjoying produci...

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Thank you for the thank yous!

March 17, 2016
If you produce work for a client, the amount you get paid on completion is all the recognition you need are entitled to. That is the nature of business. Anything on top of that is a bonus. And recently I was fortunate enough to have received A LOT of bonus recognition that I have to admit is quite humbling. 

Match Frame Media was recently featured in the March issue of the Optentia newsletter

Earlier this month this also appeared in a Potchefstroom newspaper:

The recognition is certainly appre...

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March madness - filming #NWUtv

March 17, 2016

If you've been following my random thoughts on Twitter you would have noticed that a) March has been an insanely busy month and b) I've been throwing the hashtag #NWUtv around. I'm in the process of producing content on the NWU's various community engagement projects and the production phase of this project has taken up most of this month. I'm really excited about this project and the team and I have been working really hard to not only produce video, but REALLY GOOD video. That means multi-c...

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