Match Frame Media Blog

New and completed projects, gear and other stuff I'm interested in. All the gear I review is my own. No paid reviews here.

The you know

August 27, 2016

I get asked this a lot - where does the company name come from? It's a function in Avid Media Composer you use a lot during any edit session. So there, nothing fancy. I just named the business after the tools I use.

Carry on.

New on YouTube

August 26, 2016

The annual end-of-the-year rush usually starts around middle August and this year is no different. Among the projects I completed this month is this one for the marketing and communication folks at NWU Vaal. Plenty of run-and-gun work here (and a bit of a struggle to get shy people to stand still and speak to you) but I'm happy with the results.


The more of these I do, the more I realize how essential camera tools with good low light capabilities are. When producing news programming you wil...

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Nyet. Soundtrack is fine (GoPro jets. Because GoPro. And jets)

August 26, 2016

As a self-confessed military aviation/all things military science-related nut I'm a regular reader of David Cenciotti's blog The Aviationist and he keeps on posting these really cool GoPro jet movies from YouTube. This one was produced by the Russian Ministry of Defence for Russian Aerospace Force Day. It's really well done and features some great footage of various Russian fast machines. Around 1:14 and 1:48 it even features footage of Russia's answer to the 5th generation F-35 and F-22 figh...

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MCD Training

August 13, 2016

I completed a video for a brand new client this week and I'm thrilled with the results. Even better is that they are thrilled with it also! 

MCD Training is doing great work in addressing the massive skills shortage in South Africa by providing a wide range of technical training solutions to companies and individuals. Their video is on YouTube and will also be showing at their booth at the 2016 Sasol TechnoX expo from 15 August. The video was shot over two days and we had a lot of fun doing it...

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Now I've seen everything

July 30, 2016

I've seen GoPros fitted in weird places at even weirder angles (and even considered a few of my own) but this I guess it got some interesting footage of pit girls getting splashed with bubbly though. And where's the harm in that?

I found this on There's also a good series of videos on Valentino Rossi if you're into MotoGP racing.
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Extended version of Musikhane now on YouTube

July 26, 2016

July has been a busy month and one of the projects I completed was an extended version of the Musikhane community music project (originally produced for the NWUtv Community Engagement series) for the NWU's School of Music. 

We filmed a lot of great footage and interviews that didn't make it into the original NWUtv version due to time constraints. So if you liked that video, you'll enjoy this version that features more interviews with students and learners.


Subscribe to the School of Musi...
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I smell a rat (no's just the plastic packaging)

July 26, 2016
Yes I know. That is a terrible heading for this blog post. But I couldn't think of a mouse idiom that would work...

Above: my old Logitech Anywhere mouse (back) and new Logitech M705 wireless mouse in front.

A computer mouse is not something you give much thought to nowadays. Most people probably just use whatever came supplied with their computer. I prefer a Wacom tablet for editing and post work but in terms of computer mice I've tried them all: no-name brands, HP mice, Microsoft mice, a Wac...

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I have hope for mankind!

July 26, 2016

It has been a fantastic month for GoPro jet videos. I have discovered yet another movie acceptable soundtrack! 

Yes folks, no Techno. No Dubstep. No shitty titling. Not even a hint of cliched
 Hard Rock. Just awesome visuals with a few well-placed GoPro shots. This seems to have been produced by USAF media people so that might explain it. But seriously though, I liked this and it was well put together. Military jets (and most fast machines) and action cameras go well together.

Video as...

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This turned out nicely

July 17, 2016

I did some stuff here I might visit again in future... That is all. Carry on.
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Finally, a GoPro jet video with a soundtrack I like!

July 17, 2016

See, this is the way I like my GoPro jets! Just raw cockpit sound. None of that techno rubbish everybody seems to plaster all over this stuff. Seriously though, I love the visuals in this. Had no idea the pilot had such a high workload flying these beasts.

My fascination with action cameras and fast jets continues...stay turned.

Video featured on 

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July 17, 2016

I've just completed a new mini series (with one or two more clips currently in production) for the Centre for Applied Risk Management (UARM). I love how both parts have turned out! This project is the first I cut on my new system. Also loving the 3D graphics and may I say we really nailed the lighting in a few of those interview shots.

Whatever did we do before we could put prime lenses on the front of our video cameras?

Check out both videos on NWUtv on YouTube

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This is serious voodoo...

July 17, 2016

I remember when I started out in post a few year ago you could hardly colour correct your images properly. Seriously, my first Avid Xpress system only had basic brightness, contrast and hue adjustments in the effect palette.

Today you can FIX the FOCUS on your images! In near realtime. Courtesy of the folks at BorisFX and a very fancy algorithm. The force is strong here...
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