Match Frame Media Blog

New and completed projects, gear and other stuff I'm interested in. All the gear I review is my own. No paid reviews here.


October 11, 2012

The world's favourite action camera has spawned a whole industry around custom camera mounts, but this one is so ridiculous I just had to post it! So picture this - you're packin' some 9mm Glock or SIG heat and you'd love to see yourself in action, right? So what do you do? Why you get this cool GoPro pistol mount of course!

I suppose it will produce interesting footage, if you can get used to to watching everything upside down. And if you can find a big enough holster...


Chasing (and filming) the Batmobile

October 1, 2012

I like solar power, I really do. Which is why this particular project really appealed to me.

I had the opportunity to film the NWU's solar car, nicknamed the Batmobile, over the weekend and I was really glad I did because the NWU team surprised everyone by winning the event. They came into the event as complete underdogs and quickly became media favourites as the Sasol SA Solar Championship toured the country.

Above: Fitting the GoPros. In a hurry. The team was kind enough to allow us to d...

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Dude where's my camera...GoPro survives a 12500ft freefall!

September 14, 2012

My fascination with the little camera continues...

I picked up on this through GoPro's Facebook feed. This little camera survived a 12500ft freefall WITHOUT the casing. The jumper's helmet hooked the aircraft's doorframe on exit snapping open the latch and the camera filmed all the way down. 

Just goes to show how incredibly tough GoPro really is!

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In production: new documentary

September 9, 2012

Above: shooting footage for an upcoming documentary on a community music project

Yes, it's documentary time again.

We've nearly wrapped up filming and I'll be starting with post-production this week. I'm really loving this project. It's a remarkable story of a group of kids who through music reach a higher potential. The remarkable part? Well the kids, many of them from underprivileged backgrounds, go from complete novices to playing in a full wind ensemble in only a week! Some truly inspir...

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And then I used a GoPro to film...a pianist

August 28, 2012

The School of Music's concert ad for September is live on YouTube. Check it out. I'm having so much fun producing these clips at the moment. The GoPro went along to the shoot purely for show and tell purposes but I ended up shooting footage with it that actually made it into the final clip! Just goes to show how versatile these little devices really are.


I wonder if GoPro would edit it into their demo reel if I sent it to them. Put it in right after the base jumping dude... :)

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Now this is cool - Sorenson Squeeze 8.5 Pro

August 24, 2012

This upgrade was so cool, I just had to write about it! I've been putting off upgrading my media encoding application for a while now, but when Sorenson Media offered a limited 40% discount on upgrades to Squeeze 8.5 Pro I jumped onboard. I'm a huge fan of Sorenson Squeeze and it's very much a mission critical part of my post setup.

Squeeze 8.5 Pro now supports Avid DNxHD and Apple ProRes output. That's right, it means you can encode edit-ready, native codec media from just about any sour...

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Go pro...with your GoPro

August 20, 2012

Above: my first test shoot with the GoPro HD Hero 2. Sadly this YouTube clip does not do the footage any justice; it really is super sharp when viewed in full HD. I'll rather burn this to Blu-ray... 

I've wanted one of these for a long time. Whenever you see footage of skydiving, basejumping or any other adrenaline-fueled occupation, chances are it was filmed by someone wearing one of these strapped somewhere to themselves or their gear.There are a number of action cameras available at the m...

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New promo live on YouTube

August 3, 2012

Title animations seems to be all the rage right now and I had the opportunity to complete a promo clip for a client recently that uses a lot of them. That, and plenty of stock footage clips. 

I've had to deal with a lot of 29.97fps video lately and getting what is essentially NTSC clips to play smoothly inside 25fps (PAL) timelines have proven to be a bit of challenge. There's a number of workflows out there but the one that has worked the best so far uses Avid's Fluidmotion effect to do the...

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School of Music clips on

August 2, 2012

Two recent video clips for the NWU School of Music are now live on Check out OFM presenter Yolanda Maartens' blog A Slice of Life and connect with the NWU School of Music on Facebook.
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The opera, the upside-down camera and funky frame rates

July 22, 2012

To be honest, the first time someone mentioned the term "flash mob" to me, I had no real idea what it was. So I turned to the source of all known human knowledge...I Googled it. The oracle then told me that it would in fact require a full multicamera shoot if I wanted to do it right. 

When the NWU's School of Music approached me a while ago to do this project I realized that I would need a second camera operator. I enlisted the help of my friend Andrew Wallis who brought his Canon DSLR and...

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5000 hits for

July 18, 2012
I just noticed that we're at 5000+ hits for this website. Thanks to everyone who stopped by. Hope you enjoyed your stay and that you'll visit again soon. There's a lot more in store in coming months! 

Now, where's the bubbly..?
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For the connoisseurs

July 17, 2012

July is turning into a very productive month...

It's amazing how quickly word travels through the social media universe. This one was still just a vague idea in my head at 9:00am this morning... Now live on YouTube and Facebook. Keep an eye on the School of Music's Facebook page in the coming weeks for a few more of these. 

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