Match Frame Media Blog

New and completed projects, gear and other stuff I'm interested in. All the gear I review is my own. No paid reviews here.

Flying high...with a new Sony NEX-FS100

June 18, 2013

Above: Shooting interviews with the designers of the Jonker Sailplanes' JS1 Revelation

I have the best job on earth. Seriously. I've only had my new (okay loan unit, not new; my new unit is still en route from the factory in Japan) Sony NEX-FS100 for two weeks when this job came up. Project brief: shoot the manufacturing process for a high performance glider aircraft and oh, be at the airfield Saturday morning really early because you're shooting some serious air-to-air footage as well. Bring a warm jersey...

Above: The flight crew was kind enough to rig up a makeshift safety rig for me...

The project is part of an ongoing series of videos for the NWU's Faculty of Engineering and this episode will focus on some of their commercially successful units. The shoot also gave me my first opportunity to really put the new camera through it's paces. Although the DSLR-style manual lens operation takes some getting used to the FS100 handled easier than I thought and I loved its low light capabilities when we shot the factory and manufacturing scenes - there's some seriously pretty machine shop footage waiting to be edited!

For the flight shoot I used four cameras: two GoPro HD Hero 2s mounted in the cockpit and on the wing of the glider, the Sony FS100 that would ride with me in the open door of the tow plane and my old Panasonic P2 camcorder. The P2 camera ended up shooting some takeoff and landing footage from the ground. For the flight I stripped the FS100 down to the bare lens with only a variable ND filter screwed on the front. No mics, matte box or anything else. And I'm glad I did because the wind did rip the hell out of me in the aircraft's open door. It was actually so strong that the zoom lens was extending by itself when I didn't hang onto it. Fortunately the footage still looks awesome.

Above: Setting up the GoPros. I love these versatile little cameras!

Above: Stills from the GoPro cams

Above: A still from the FS100 footage that I shot from the open aircraft door. There was a bit of a breeze blowing outside.

So far I love the NEX-FS100. Awesome camera. Infinitely scalable to any job you might have, if you fit it with the right accessories. This project is currently in post production. Keep an eye on my YouTube channel for the results.     


No really..

June 6, 2013
Having come from a rather insignificant video background I find the new world of cine-style shooting fascinating. Especially the tools. Accessory attachment plates are called cheese plates. And you get Israeli arms. Step down lens rings are called donuts.

Pictured here is a lens hood that covers the gap between my new matte box and the camera lens to keep out light. What's it called? Nun's Knickers. Even in the product catalogue.

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Arrived last night..

June 5, 2013

Yes, it is new! Sony NEX-FS100 with a (partially assembled) Genus matte box, rail system and follow focus unit. And yes a rig like this has been on my wishlist for more than two years.

Actually the camera is a loan unit because mine is on backorder with Sony and is still sitting on a factory workbench in Nagasaki. The Genus cine kit arrived in SA last Friday. Obviously I can't wait to put this to work.

More to follow soon, watch this space.

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NWU Career Centre series

June 2, 2013

Now live on YouTube is a series of clips I'm doing on for the NWU's Career Centre. More to follow soon on my YouTube channel.
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And now...360 degree video with a little help from your GoPro(s)

May 31, 2013

The GoPro revolution continues.

Have a look a this unique Kickstarter project that will enable you to shoot full 360 degree shots with multiple GoPro Hero 3's in a 3D printed camera rig (see how many trendy tech things I used right there in one sentence!)

Read all about 360Hero here.

I have no idea what I'll do with this but I really really want one..

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Everest BASE jump

May 29, 2013

Check out the GoPro camera rig on Russian BASE jumper Valery Rozov's helmet. The Russian became the first man to freefall from the top of Everest earlier in May. Awesome footage, especially the reverse shot. We can probably expect to see something on Discovery or Nat Geo soon. Read the original story on

Wonder how they kept the GoPro casings from fogging up or icing over at those temperatures? I've had issues with lenses fogging up on the bike in Lesotho in summer time. Maybe I sho...

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Latest edition of Take a nutshell

May 29, 2013

W.C. Fields said "never work with children or animals". Clearly the man had no sense of humour. Because shooting this was a lot of fun. Above and live on YouTube right now is the latest edition of NWU School of Music's Take Note

This clip is probably one of the last news/actuality pieces that I'll be shooting with my aging Panasonic HPX-174. Why? Well you'll just have to wait and see..

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It's the month of May again (Warning: opinion piece to follow)

May 24, 2013

The month of May has special meaning for me. This month three years ago I turned in my resignation and left behind everything that represented the security of a safe and stable job at that time. I became self-employed and in doing so I, to my surprise, gained more work satisfaction and enjoyment from life than I would ever have imagined. It’s been a non-stop adventure with ups and downs. Three years later, here’s what I’ve learned:

1) There is no such thing as security. Stable jobs and l...

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18 000 YouTube views

May 22, 2013
In a social media world where likes count and hits matter, we now boast more that 18 000 views on YouTube. That's YOUR media, viewed many many times by many many people on the internets. Check out our YouTube channel here and thanks for viewing our stuff. More to follow shortly!
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Put yourself in our picture

May 22, 2013

I recently completed this promo for NWU Vaal Triangle Campus's Faculty of Economic Sciences and IT. It builds on work I've done previously for the NWU. I again relied heavily on my two favourite creative applications: Adobe After Effects and Avid Media Composer.

I approached this one by starting at the end - the word "proud". The Faculty’s initial project brief supplied me with a few terms and phrases used in their current marketing, such as "We are proud and preferred" and "Put yourself i...

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Some more GoPro jets

May 6, 2013

What does this have to do with what I do for a living? Absolutely nothing...I just find the visuals insanely cool :)

Small and compact action cameras have made it possible for ordinary people to experience things that would otherwise have resulted in injury or property damage, or time in prison. And thanks to the internets you can now share your images with the world. Check out this cockpit footage shot by a USAF F-16 squadron over Alaska. As always, enjoy before the air force make them take...

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Stop squashing those images!

April 25, 2013
People Who Rescale...
There you have it folks ;) Those widescreen images were meant to be shown...well, widescreen.
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