Match Frame Media Blog

New and completed projects, gear and other stuff I'm interested in. All the gear I review is my own. No paid reviews here.

Browsing Archive: November, 2016

2016. The year of reckoning.

Posted by Corne Scheepers on Monday, November 28, 2016,

2016 has been a fantastic year for Match Frame Media. 

I can honestly say that this year I’ve done some of the best quality work I’ve ever done. And I most certainly didn’t do this alone. 

As a very experienced stage director remarked to me a few weeks ago, video production is not a one man job. This is very true. Shoots are brutally hard work. Post-production is painfully detailed and exhausting. Without my faithful camera assistant Ferdi I would not have been able to undertake the p...

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GoPro awesomeness with French jetmen

Posted by Corne Scheepers on Monday, November 28, 2016,

What a better way to play out the year than with some gorgeous GoPro aerial footage. Boba Fett impersonators Yves Rossy, Vincent Reffet and Fred Fugen flew their jetpacks in formation with eight Alpha jets of the French Air Force aerobatic display team, the Patrouille de France (Yes I just added that to have fancy French words in this post).

Seriously though, this must require some serious skill and physical effort.

The 4K clarity is gorgeous and I find this both exhilarating and depressing ...

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I have no words to describe this...

Posted by Corne Scheepers on Thursday, November 24, 2016,

But it is fun to watch though!
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Lamento - taking opera into the digital age

Posted by Corne Scheepers on Thursday, November 24, 2016,

This has certainly been a very good year for music movies! Earlier this year A Joyful Sound finally made it online. Then there was a short piece on the School of Music's Musikhane community project. I did my first project for an international client when WFIMC called from Switzerland. A few weeks ago Umculo took a Mozart opera to the Ikageng township. And now, as a finale and a follow-on to the Figaro project, the Lamento production documentary follows the cast as they bring a very unique mul...

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