Match Frame Media Blog

New and completed projects, gear and other stuff I'm interested in. All the gear I review is my own. No paid reviews here.

Browsing Archive: March, 2015

UPDATE: 2K title import resolved

Posted by Corne Scheepers on Thursday, March 26, 2015,

OK, so if you read my previous post you'll recall I had issues in 2K projects with the alpha channel on imported .psd files being inverted when importing into Media Composer via AMA.

The solution turned out to be a simple AMA setting:


As is the case with direct import settings, simply set the Alpha Channel to Invert. Now try again and see your Photoshop graphic displayed in the 2K timeline as it was originally created to look!


Many thanks to Avid tech Jonathan Smith at Jasco Broadcast Syst...

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First try at editing 2K in Avid Media Composer

Posted by Corne Scheepers on Sunday, March 22, 2015,

Never stop learning.

I’ve always held this belief and in the video production business I doubt you’ll survive long if this isn’t your approach to the tools that you use every day. I also believe that experimenting and testing is something you don’t do on a paying customer’s bill, so my holiday movies have become R&D opportunities.

Cameras recording at 2K and 4K resolutions are becoming more common and so too have the ability of post tools to handle higher-than-HD resolution media. ...

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